Please don’t hesitate to contact us at the following email address if you have any questions:
We look forward to welcoming you to Birmingham!
Who are the orgnaising committee?

James Bendle
James is a geochemist specialising in palaeoclimatology, investigating modern and past climate environments using biomarker-based approaches. He has recently begun to cross disciplines into speleology and archeology.
Emma Hanson
Emma is an Experimental Officer within the Earth Sciences department. Her PhD research involved high resolution coccolith geochemistry from the Miocene to the recent, including stable isotope and Sr/Ca analysis. She currently works on coccolithophore cell geometry in aiding past CO₂ reconstructions.

Kerys Meredew
Kerys is a final-year Volcanology PhD student. Her research combines GIS-based structural investigations with geochemical analysis of volcanic tephra to investigates how magmatic systems are perturbed by volcanic sector collapse, focusing on the 2018 collapse of Anak Krakatau.
Gemma Baker
Gemma is a final-year PhD student in Organic Geochemistry at the University of Birmingham. Her PhD focusses on using organic biomarkers and compound-specific isotope analysis to interpret the dietary profiles of lemurs.

Who is GGRiP?
The Geochemistry Group promotes geochemistry as a discipline, and enhances links between the many areas of geochemistry. We have a particular focus on early career geochemists (PhD candidates and postdocs), and look to provide a showcase for new geochemical talent in Great Britain and Ireland.
The Geochemistry Group is a Special Interest Group of both the Mineralogical Society of Great Britain and Ireland, and The Geological Society of London.